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Omslagsbild för Behind the curtains
Isbn: 978-91-8100-903-3
Förlag: Bookea
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2025


Behind the curtains

Behind the curtains by Sara Ström is a gripping story about abuse of power and narcissism in the workplace.

Follow Sara’s journey through a successful career that takes a dark turn when she ends up in a dysfunctional company. Promised benefits and assurances prove to be empty words, and the corporate culture is manipulative and destructive.

Caught in her strong need for validation, Sara challenges the company’s rotten culture in the hope of fostering change. However, her brave stance leads to a painful confrontation and sexual harassment. Despite the law being on her side, Sara is forced into a prison of silence to protect her career.

Behind the curtains is a tale of survival, courage, and the high price of fighting for the truth in a hostile environment.

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