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Omslagsbild för The Grey Woman
Isbn: 978-91-8108-423-8
Förlag: Modernista
Tillgänglig sedan: januari 2025


The Grey Woman

Trapped in a loveless marriage to a dangerous man, a young woman discovers the horrifying secrets he hides. Forced to flee for her life, she embarks on a perilous journey through shadowy forests and across hostile landscapes, where every step could lead to freedom—or betrayal. The Grey Woman is a gripping tale of survival, courage, and the lengths one must go to escape the clutches of evil.

Elizabeth Gaskell [1810 - 1865], born in London, England, grew up with her aunt in Knutsford, just outside Manchester. She later married William Gaskell, who was a pastor in Manchester. Among her circle of friends were Charles Dickens and Charlotte Brontë. Among her most famous works are Cranford and Wives and Daughters.

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