Ljudböcker / Fantasy & SF
The Lair of the White Worm
The Lair of the White Worm (also known as The Garden of Evil) is a horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, who also wrote Dracula. It is partly based on the legend of the Lambton ...
Vid världens ände & En sista kyss farväl
Vid världens ände: Förgöraren far fram över jorden, otyglad och ostoppbar. I en stuga vid havet väntar en konstnär tillsammans med sin android på att undergången ska komma över de ...
I en oändligt avlägsen framtid där stjärnorna har slocknat klamrar sig ändå livet kvar. Gamma är en av grundarna av Kollektivet, en svärm av syntetiska livsformer som lever i omlop ...
Stockholms drottning
Beth är en fixare, en som får saker och ting gjorda. När ett jobb går fel måste hon, tillsammans med sin vän, ungdraken Pug, bege sig ut i skuggzonen. Ett uppdrag ingen tror de ska ...
Lina har äntligen fått fast jobb men det blir inte som hon tänkt sig. Hennes arbetsrum är en klaustrofobisk skrubb i en kulvert under Flemingsberg, hennes chef en kvinna med ett bl ...
Tills tiden skiljer oss åt
Sofia gråter inte på sin mans begravning. Hon vet hur hon ska besegra döden. Hennes kryobädd är världshistoriens andra fungerande prototyp - och tills mänskligheten knäckt tidsresa ...
Järnsyrsan #1 - Memento mori
”Jag heter Jeanette Roslund”, säger hon och sträcker fram handen. ”Det är alltså jag som kommer att hålla det här förhöret.” Han möter hennes blick. Handslaget är fast och stadig ...
Näckens döttrar
Den unga flickan Rakel hålls undangömd på vinden av sin mor på grund av sitt utseende. Rakel smyger ut ibland om nätterna eftersom hon är en flicka som aldrig sover. Hon stöter iho ...
The Pirate Planet
The Pirate Planet is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. The Pirate Planet is a story of alien invasion, kidnapping, space travel, weird ugly creatures on ...
Two Thousand Miles Below
Two Thousand Miles Below is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. Rawson learns to his cost that the life-spark of a fabled race glows in the black heart of ...
When the Mountain Came to Miramar
When the Mountain Came to Miramar is a science fiction novella by American author Charles W. Diffin. It is magic against magic as Garry Connell bluffs for his life with a prehistor ...
Spawn of the Stars
Spawn of the Stars is a science fiction novella by American author Charles W. Diffin. The Earth lay powerless beneath those loathsome, yellowish monsters that, sheathed in cometli ...
The Moon Master
The Moon Master is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. Through infinite deeps of space Jerry Foster hurtles to the Moon—only to be trapped by a barbaric r ...
The Finding of Haldgren
The Finding of Haldgren is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. Chet Ballard answers the pinpoint of light that from the craggy desolation of the moon stab ...
Brood of the Dark Moon
Brood of the Dark Moon is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. Once more Chet, Walt and Diane are united in a wild ride to the Dark Moon—but this time they ...
Dark Moon
Dark Moon is a science fiction novel by American author Charles W. Diffin. Mysterious, dark, out of the unknown deep comes a new satellite to lure three courageous Earthlings on to ...
Warlord of Kor
Warlord of Kor is a science fiction novel by Terry Gene Carr. GOD, MACHINE--OR LISTENING POST FOR OUTSIDERS? Horng sat opposite the tiny, fragile creature who held a microphone, it ...
The Citadel of Fear
The Citadel of Fear is a science fiction ”lost race” novel by Francis Stevens (pseudonym for Gertrude B. Bennett), "The woman who invented dark fantasy". This lost world story foc ...
The Gifts of Asti
The Gifts of Asti is a science fiction short story written by Andre Norton. She was the guardian of the worlds, but HER world was dead. Varta, the last priestess of Asti, lives alo ...
The People of the Crater
The People of the Crater is a science fiction novella by American author Andre Norton. "Send the Black Throne to dust; conquer the Black Ones, and bring the Daughter from the Caves ...
Star Born
Star Born is a science fiction novel by American author Andre Norton. When Raf Kurbi's Terran spaceship burst into unexplored skies of the far planet Astra and was immediately made ...
Storm Over Warlock
Storm Over Warlock is a science fiction novel written by Andre Norton that combines science fiction with fantasy, technology with witchcraft, in a way typical of Norton’s works. Th ...
Voodoo Planet
Voodoo Planet is a science fiction novella by American writer Andre Norton. CHALLENGE ME WITH MONSTERS! "From between the two shuffling dancers padded something on four feet. The ...
Plague Ship
Plague Ship is a science fiction novel by Andre Norton. A fast-moving suspense tale, full of unusual detail and unexpected turns. Several highlights make the book really shine: the ...
Key Out of Time
Key Out of Time is the fourth novel in The Time Traders series by Andre Norton. It was first published in 1963, and as of 2012, had been reprinted in 17 editions with cover changes ...