E-böcker / Memoarer & Biografier
Malta's Greater Siege & Adrian Warburton DSO* DFC** DFC (USA)
This is a true historical account of war in the air, at sea and on land in the battle for Malta's survival in the Second World War. It was a battle which decided the outcome of the ...
The Justice Women
The first policewomen were established during the Great War, but with no powers of arrest; the first women lawyers did not practise until the early twentieth century, and despite t ...
Visiting the Fallen-Arras South
Like Ypres, Arras was a front line town throughout the Great War. From March 1916 it became home to the British Army and it remained so until the Advance to Victory was well under ...
The Fallen Few of the Battle of Britain
'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few' – Seventy-five years on the unforgettable words of Winston Churchill ring as powerfully as they did in ...
Agent Michael Trotobas and SOE in Northern France
The exceptional exploits, courage and leadership of British SOE Agent Trotobas have long been recognised in France but not in his own country despite being recommended for the Vict ...
Fighting for Napoleon
The French side of the Napoleonic Wars is often seen from a strategic point of view, or in terms of military organization and battlefield tactics, or through officers' memoirs. It ...
The Battle for Burma
Bernard Fergusson was one of Orde Wingate's Column Commanders in the heroic but battered Chindit expedition behind Japanese lines in Burma in 1943. By 1944 Wingate had persuaded Ch ...
Ulkoministerin kujanjuoksu
Ensimmäistä kertaa julkaistava sensaatiomainen silminnäkijäkuvaus Kansainliiton puheenjohtajan päivällisistä syksyllä 1938Valtakunnankansleri Adolf Hitler piti Berliinissä 26.9.193 ...
Allt det vackra
När Hunter Biden var två år gammal blev han allvarligt skadad i en bilolycka, hans mamma och hans lillasyster omkom. 2015 förlorade han sin älskade storebror Beau, som dog i hjärn ...
Reflexer : från de ordlösa erfarenheternas domän
Reflexer - från de ordlösa erfarenheternas domän Det här är en bok om mina egna och andras transpersonella erfarenheter. Mina egna erfarenheter och insikter är hämtade från inre oc ...
Tove Jansson - Ett liv
Tove Jansson blev världsberömd för sina böcker om Muminfamiljen. som hon både skrev och illustrerade. Böckerna har översatts till mer än femtio språk och nått en världspublik. Berä ...
"Alla som varit på magnetröntgen vet att det tar sin tid. Jag ligger där och lyssnar på den klassiska musiken som jag valt. Så blir det mera aktivitet bakom glaset. Läkaren kom- me ...
Jag måste, när ingen annan vill : Kvinnosakskämpen Sophie Sager
Vem var Sophie Sager? Hon var misshandelsoffret som blev kvinnorättskämpe, sömmerskan som blev författare, kvinnan på barrikaden som blev husmodern i Brooklyn. Hon blev riksbekant ...
Inför Gud och kniven är vi alla lika
Lukten av desinfektionsmedel hänger tung i luften. Tystnaden är total, nästan hörbar. Spända koncentrerade blickar möter varandra över munskydden. Tiden står stilla. - Patienten so ...
Secret Channel to Berlin
This book focuses on the delicate connection between the head of Swiss Intelligence, Colonel Roger Masson, and the German Chief of Espionage, SS General Walter Schellenberg. The a ...
A Mighty Fortress
A Mighty Fortress is the personal account of the Captain and crew of a lead bomber in the enormous formation raids made by the 8th Airforce during the last few months of the Second ...
Unless Victory Comes
Gene Garrison spent a terrifying nineteenth birthday crammed into a muddy foxhole near the German border in the Saar. He listened helplessly to cries of wounded comrades as explodi ...
The First Jihad
Before there was Osama bin Laden, Abu al-Zarqawi or Ayatollah Khomeini, there was the Mahdi—the “Expected One”—who raised the Arabs in pan-tribal revolt against infidels and aposta ...
LBJ's Hired Gun
Many Vietnam memoirs have appeared in recent years, but not a single one has the humor, pathos, poignancy, and often sheer hilarity of John J. Gebhart’s riveting LBJ’S Hired Gun. A ...
Nazi Millionaires
During the final days of World War II, German SS officers crammed trains, cars, and trucks full of gold, currency, and jewels, and headed for the mountains of Austria. Fearful of a ...
Surrounded by Heroes
When the author was inducted into the U.S. Army in 1942 he had no reason to expect special treatment. Instead, because he was a typist and draftsman, he was grabbed up by an outfit ...
Jump: Into the Valley of the Shadow
When Dwayne Burns turned 18 during World War II, he decided that he wanted to fight alongside America’s best. He joined the paratroopers and was assigned to the 508th Regiment of t ...
During his first tour in Vietnam - 1967-68 - Dick Taylor was a well trained and highly motivated amateur assigned to advise a hard-bitten ARVN infantry battalion working in the mud ...
Simon Elo
Mistä on kyse Jussi Halla-ahon puolueen kohutussa etnonationalismissa?Ketkä kansanedustajat itkivät ja tekivät diilejä valitessaan puoliaan perussuomalaisten hajotessa?Kuka edustaj ...
Aleksanteri Suuri - sankari ja myytti
Mitä yhteistä on Julius Caesarilla, kuningatar Kristiinalla ja Jim Morrisonilla?Aleksanteri Suuri, muinaisen Makedonian kuningas ja voittamaton sotapäällikkö, on inspiroinut heitä ...